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Book review: “An excellent introductory guide and reference”

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Jack Reidy wrote the following review on the Retired Guy blog for Google Drive & Docs In 30 Minutes:

The full title is Google Drive & Docs In 30 Minutes: The unofficial guide to Google Drive, Docs, Sheets & Slides by Ian Lamont. I think this is an excellent introductory guide and reference book.

I’ve used Google Drive a little bit, especially Google Docs and I find 30 minutes to be overly optimistic. In 30 minutes you can enjoy the author’s overview which I found helpful and well done.

The explanations on using the various applications and how they fit together are also very helpful but I think being able to do a good job with any of them would require much more than 30 minutes. He is very clear that these are free applications and someone may need a more polished product for presentations.

But there is much that can be done and done well with these free tools.

They may be more than adequate for many purposes. And why pay when free does the job? Many of us learn by trial and error and that takes time. Quite often a good reference is well worth the price.

The reviewer received an ARC review copy in return for their honest review. You can see the blog post here.